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Labours Starmer Faces Rebellion Over Israel Gaza Stance

Labour's Starmer faces rebellion over Israel-Gaza stance

56 Labour MPs vote for immediate ceasefire

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has suffered a major rebellion over his stance on the Israel-Gaza war, with 56 of his MPs voting for an immediate ceasefire.

The rebellion came as Starmer faced criticism from within his own party for not being more critical of Israel's actions in Gaza.

In a statement, Starmer said he "deeply regrets" the loss of life in Gaza and called for a ceasefire "that lasts."

However, he stopped short of calling for an immediate ceasefire, saying that this would be "counterproductive."

The rebellion by Labour MPs is a sign of the growing pressure on Starmer to take a more critical stance on Israel.

Starmer's position on Israel-Gaza war fraught with difficulty

Labour leader Keir Starmer is facing a difficult path as he attempts to navigate the party's position on the Israel-Gaza war.

On the one hand, he needs to appease the growing number of Labour MPs who are critical of Israel's actions in Gaza.

On the other hand, he needs to avoid alienating the party's Jewish supporters, who are largely supportive of Israel.

Starmer's decision to not call for an immediate ceasefire has been met with criticism from both sides.

Those who support an immediate ceasefire argue that it is the only way to stop the violence and save lives.

Those who oppose an immediate ceasefire argue that it would be counterproductive and would only embolden Hamas.

Starmer is likely to face continued pressure from both sides as the conflict in Gaza continues.
