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Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul Concludes with Complicated Journey

Final Season Wraps Up Complex Storyline

Co-Creator Peter Gould Explains Finale's Difference from 'Breaking Bad'

The highly anticipated final season of "Better Call Saul" has come to an end, concluding the intricate journey of the beloved character Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk). Creators Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould have crafted a poignant and suspenseful series that explores the transformation of Jimmy McGill into the corrupt lawyer we know from "Breaking Bad."

In a recent interview, Gould shared his thoughts on the finale and its departure from the "Breaking Bad" narrative. He explained that while both series share a common universe, "Better Call Saul" was always intended to stand on its own as a unique story. The finale reflects this by focusing on Saul's personal redemption rather than a direct connection to Walter White's downfall.

Gould also emphasized the importance of providing a satisfying conclusion for Saul's character, even if it did not align with fan expectations. He believes that the final episode honors the character's journey and offers a nuanced understanding of his motivations and choices. Overall, "Better Call Saul" has left a lasting impact on television, offering a compelling and unforgettable exploration of the human experience in the face of adversity.
