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Jenna Coleman

Jenna Coleman stars in a brand new crime drama

The actress is back on TV in a highly anticipated new crime drama

Jenna Coleman is set to star in a brand new crime drama for the BBC.

The actress, who is known for her roles in Doctor Who and The Cry, will play the lead role in the series, which is called The Serpent. The Serpent is based on the true story of Charles Sobhraj, a serial killer who preyed on Western tourists in Asia in the 1970s. Coleman will play Marie-Andrée Leclerc, Sobhraj's accomplice and girlfriend.

The Serpent is a major new project for the BBC, and it is sure to be one of the most talked-about dramas of the year. Coleman is a talented actress, and she is sure to give a great performance in the lead role. The Serpent is set to air on the BBC later this year.
